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BEHIND THE SCENES – Exploring the Story Behind the Nifeliz Valor Model

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At Nifeliz, we’re excited to share the story behind our Valor model. This model isn’t just a product; it’s a journey through the meticulous design process led by the illustrious car model designer, Leon C. His unique approach and passion for detail have played a crucial role in shaping this exceptional piece.

valor blog (1)

Initially, we were intrigued by Leon’s design philosophy. He often said, “Replicating the essence of the original car isn’t just about accuracy; it’s about honoring the integrity of the original design.” Watching him meticulously sketch every detail from the ground up, we understood the depth of his words. Leon focuses not only on precise proportions but also on capturing the artistic beauty inherent in car design.

valor's design draft

When designing this Valor car model, Leon dedicated considerable time to perfecting the car’s smooth lines. He made multiple attempts at the rear design, repeatedly testing and refining until he found the perfect solution. For Leon, these subtle differences distinguish an ordinary model from an extraordinary one. He once shared with us, “The sleek curves of a car are not just about aesthetics; they are the essence of its identity.” His dedication to capturing these complex lines left us in awe of his passion and commitment to car model design.

detail display of the valor

Leon didn’t stop at the exterior. He was also passionate about infusing dynamic features into the model cars. For this car model, he meticulously crafted the front V12 engine and added interactive features like paddle shifters and adjustable seats. Leon embraced the idea that “A car kit is not just something you see; it’s an experience, a journey through the mechanisms of a real thing.” He wanted model enthusiasts to delve deeper into the engineering marvels of the model car.

valor's engine display

The journey to achieve the perfect color for this product was anything but smooth. We spent countless hours in communication with the production workshop, striving to replicate the desired color effect using plastic materials. The process was long and challenging, requiring a full month of trials and adjustments before finally achieving the color that best matched the essence of this sports car. We hope this meticulous attention to getting the color just right allows our builders to experience the same level of excellence and authenticity that went into every detail of the model.

The unique colours of valor

To enhance the overall experience, we’ve made a comprehensive update to the entire style of our instruction book and the parts distribution for this car set. This new approach aims to provide a more immersive and engaging experience, ensuring that every aspect of the model—from the packaging to the assembly process—offers a richer connection and deeper enjoyment.

detail display of the valor

We hope that our efforts with this model inspire enthusiasm and creativity among our users. We aim to continuously push the boundaries of design and quality. As we look ahead, we want to remain committed to delivering exceptional products and innovative experiences. We’re excited about what the future holds and look forward to sharing more exciting creations with you.

detail display of the valor

If you interested in this Valor model? Click here to explore more details and see the full range of features!

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Jacob at 2:17 pm, September 20, 2024 - Reply

I have a question about the quality of your pieces, are the pieces you make as good as or better than the quality of lego and will work with lego or do your pieces not work with lego and aren’t as good as quality as actual LEGO pieces

尼费利兹_adm at 9:53 pm, September 22, 2024 - Reply

Hi,jacbo. All of our products are compatible with Lego bricks, the quality of our products are almost as good as lego.
Let us know if you have more questions, and we’d be happy to help!